Republica Beach Volleyball

What it’s all about?

Shake off your workplace blues and head down to Republica on St Kilda beach!

Smack bang in front of the St Kilda Sea Baths - complete with funky tunes, this is the most fun beach volleyball experience you can find anywhere!  

The Republica Beach Volleyball competition is a social, 4-a-side, mixed (girls & boys), weekly beach volleyball competition. We run every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night throughout Summer unless the weather is horrible. When you come and play with us you will get funky tunes, mad volleyball fun, our awesome staff, some remarkably good Republica pizza and a Balter beer … and possibly an addiction to beach volleyball.

All teams and individuals welcome (first in best dressed). So gather up your work mates, your best mates and those other mates, or enter on your own and we'll hook you up.

Beginners welcome!

Each team will receive a pizza to share as well as a free Balter beer, wine or softie for each participant to share at the end of the night.


Accordion: (This note will not be shown on live page. Grey backgrounds also not visible on live site. Just used to illustrate the question versus the answer.)

  • What is this thing?

    The Republica Beach Volleyball competition is a social, 4-a-side, mixed, weekly beach volleyball competition. We run every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night throughout summer unless the weather decides otherwise.

    What do I get?

    At least 3 x 20 minute games of Beach Volleyball. We always try to get you at least 4 games, but it depends on how many teams turn up. Annnnnd, you get a pizza to share with your team and a drink at the end of the night – Balter Beer/wine/Soft drink.

  • Start time?

    We meet at 6pm and start as soon as possible after that. If you can’t make 6pm, then we will just give you the first round off and you can join in when you get there. Just make sure to let al know that you are coming along so he can save you a spot.

  • Cost?

    Only $30 per person ($25 for students)! You only have to pay for yourself so if you bring along an incomplete team then you still only pay for the people who come along, not for the team. This cost covers the entire night, including the beach volley, beer and pizza! We prefer cash, but cards are acceptable too.

    Can I just play volleyball and pay less??

    Unfortunately, no. We provide the food and drinks as a free bonus so that you have a wonderful night of entertainment. You don’t have to come in and enjoy, but it won’t make it any cheaper, so you should just come on in :)

  • How do I register?

    Email. It’s all done via email. – – or use the contact form on the website.

    Once you are on the Republica mailing list, I will email you every Sunday evening and you just reply if you want to come down and play that week. This gives you the freedom to not come if you think that the weather sucks, or you’re visiting your nanna, or whatever it is you do that is more fun than hanging with us on the beach.

    Based on the number of teams registered for each night, we arrange to have the right number of courts and umpires on hand to cater for you. So, if we don't know that you are coming down, we may not have space, so it’s best to register to avoid disappointment, especially on beautiful nights when everyone wants to play!

  • What about the Weather?

    Yes, If the weather is awful and none of us want to be there, we cancel those days. We email our team contacts by 4pm at the latest. If we cancel after 4pm, we will send out an SMS to registered teams as well. We also post on the Republica Beach Volleyball page:

  • Where do we meet?
    Head to the beach outside of Republica, St Kilda Sea Baths. You’ll see us setting up all the nets – just head toward the biggest crowd gathering by the nets and you’ve found us!
  • What should I bring?

    Wear whatever clothes you are comfortable playing sport on the sand in, bring layers for warmth between games and at the end of the night. Water, sunscreen and a pair of sunnies are usually super helpful.

  • Can I bring my own beers along to have on the beach?

    Yes and No. There is a complete alcohol ban on St Kilda beach from November 1st to March 31st, So outside of those times you are most welcome to.

  • What if I’ve never played volleyball before?

    You sound perfect for Republica! We run a very fun and social version of the game. it’s a great way to get started playing Beach Volleyball. All of the participants were at one stage exactly where you are and usually very friendly and helpful. Beginners are always welcome and our umpires will gladly jump in to give you some advice, tips or tricks to ensure you feel comfortable and have a great time!

    We keep the more intense players away from the pure beginners and we get some pretty competitive matches running for these players too.

  • What if I don’t have a team?

    We can sort that out for you. We encourage teams to come along incomplete on the night and we play match-maker for those looking to join in! Simply meet us at the beach for 6pm and let us know you’re looking for a team. We also regularly get a group of solo players together and form a new team on the night. It's all very flexible and fun. We always do our best to get everyone a game!

  • How often do I have to play?

    We are the best kind of sport and ask for no commitment. You can play as often as you like, whenever you like; Tuesday one week and Thursday the next. It’s completely up to you. All that we ask is that you tell us when you are coming along.

  • How is this different to normal social sport?

    Well, you don’t just rock up for one game and then head home. You stay and play for the night. We don’t have forfeit fees, if you don’t turn up, that’s ok. You only play for yourself and don’t have to cover the costs of a team. We love it when you come along with half a team. We will sort it out for you.

  • Am I covered if I get injured?

    Yes, if you are a registered member of MBVA.

    All of our players are required to be a member of MBVA (Melbourne Beaches Volleyball Association) to be covered by our insurance. It’s only $15 for the season, but super important that we get you all registered. 

    Click here to sign up for your membership.

  • How do the seasons work?

    We run 1 season from October to April and will have finals at the end of the summer, one for Tuesdays, One for Wednesdays and one for Thursdays. The winners get custom t-shirts and their name on the massive Republica Beach Volleyball trophy.

    The top 8 teams on the ladder fight it out to be crowned champion! If you don’t make the cut for the finals, that’s ok cos we still run the night as per usual for all of the other teams so no one misses out on playing.

To enter or for more info contact Big Al - 0422 242 308 

Or Check our Facebook Pages:

Republica Beach Volleyball

Vic Beach Facebook Page